Appreciate all the cracks of your body–inside and out.
3 Ways to Practice Self Care in February
an practice self care, but I’m going to share some fun ways you can in the month of love.
Love the Way You Move
Learn to love the way you move your body.
Dear Body, I Love You
Body image, acceptance, and self love has been something near and dear to my heart for quite some time now. I had the honor of meeting Nicole C. Ayers, author of “Love Notes to My Body” which encouraged me to write my own love note to my body. I encourage you to write your own and share it with me if you’d like.
Intermittent Fasting is Still a Diet
I used to think intermittent fasting wasn’t a diet, but in reality anything that requires you to restrict is a diet.
How to love yourself and be comfortable in your own skin.