

There’s excuses for excuses right? When the first excuse doesn’t work, there’s another one or you have excuses for why you’re making excuses. 

When do you cut the cord on your excuses? They are only weighing you down. 

If you have an accountability partner and continuously make excuses, you are only loading more on yourself because eventually they won’t be there for you and the weight will be all yours to bear. 

Are you the yo-yo gym goer?  Buy a membership or deal on groupon and go for a couple days for a week or two and then stop going? Realize you’re wasting money on a gym membership and cancel or continue paying and not go? 

Here’s some simple tips to help with motivation and consistency: 

  • Have a RELIABLE partner- the worst thing to do is have a partner who is just starting off like yourself, sure you both have motivation in the beginning but the reality is you are both going to end up having excuses. If you partner up with someone who has already been through the “excuse phase” you will be less likely to slack off
  • Make a game plan– at this point you don’t have the luxury of just winging it. If you don’t plan out your week, expect the excuses to pile up. Use the calendar in your phone, a planner, or a time planning sheet like the one below. Color code every hour of your day. Also have a general idea of what you’re going to do (what type of workout) 
  • Incorporate VARIETY – if you do the same thing every time you work out, of course you’re going to get bored and start coming up with excuses. I know the weights may scare you but being a cardio bunny isn’t going to give you the results you’re looking for and you’ll lose interest. Try a group fitness class. Schedule your free training session that most gyms offer when you first sign up. Go for a hike. Do that booty challenge you saw online.

    When it comes down to it- you can have all the tools and resources in the world but you must overcome the biggest obstacle which is YOURSELF.

    Knock those excuses on the ground, bury them, whatever you have to do. Continue to remind yourself why you’re doing this– and remember that temporary goals don’t last, if you start something that has an end date, you have to have a plan for when it ends or you’ll go back to where you started. SO WHEN WILL YOU STOP MAKING EXCUSES? IF YOU SAY TOMORROW- THAT’S AN EXCUSE. Make the decision to stop using them right now. Yes right this very second and thank yourself later. 

Morgan Holben
Author: Morgan Holben

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